
Merchant Loyalty
& Gift Cards

Whether you need gift cards for in-store, mobile
devices or e-commerce, Preferred Payments offers
completely customizable rewards and merchant
loyalty programs for any business.

Gift Cards

Fully customizable

No discount fee

Small & large
orders welcome

Never expire

Loyalty Program

Offer discounts in dollar amounts or percentages

Customers keep track of their rewards/points on customized website

Offer incentives after a designated amount of rewards have been received

Send emails that contain promotions and coupons

Fully customizable

Tips and Tricks!

  • Track your customers spending history and gain insights to shopping trends.
  • Offer customized discounts and promotions to increase returning customers.
  • Use a rewards or points system so your customers have incentives for choosing your business.

Did You Know?

Studies have shown that 88% of businesses that offer rewards program are more profitable than their competitors.

84% of loyalty program members are more likely to choose a retailer or business with a rewards program.

70% of consumers will modify where they buy to maximize rewards benefits.

Source: http://blog.accessdevelopment.com/customer-loyalty- statistics-2015- edition
http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/press-room/2013/nielsen- survey-84- percent-of- global-respondents-more-likely- to.html

Ready to get started?

Get in touch or create an account

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